Tuesday, August 11, 2009

HAPPY 32nd BIRTHDAY JEFF and Samantha is 2 months old today!

(Smiling Girl! The pink blanket she is laying on was made for Samantha by my Grandmother Hague.)

(Samantha sleeping peacefully after her doctors appointment.)

Today Samantha had her 2 month check up with her pediatrician. Dr. Heiny is a very good doctor. Although we did have to wait about 45 minutes to see him! Samantha weighed 12.7 pounds yesterday fully dressed but today she was only 12.5 pounds naked. Still, she was in the 95th percentile for height, 90th percentile for weight and 75th percentile for head circumference! She is 24 inches long and her head circumference is 15.6 inches. Dr. Heiny said that since her height and weight at in line with each other he is not concerned about her high percentiles. He did say, she is just going to be a big girl...I hope that means tall! At the end of her appointment she had to get 4 vaccinations. First she got an oral vaccination witch she slurped down. Then I gave her a little Children's Tylenol to help take the edge off the other vaccinations. Then she had two shots in her right thigh and one in her left. The first two went fine, no crying. But the third was a whole different story...as soon as she starting putting in the shot Samantha started crying. Luckily she stopped crying within 30 seconds and was smiling again. She received the Rotavirus Vaccine, Polio Vaccine, Diphtheria, Tetnus & Pertussis Vaccine and her 2nd round of Hepatitis B. She feel asleep in the car on the way home and is happily snoozing away!

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