Saturday, August 29, 2009

Jenny Johnson's (soon-to-be Hauser) wedding shower.

(Jenny opening her gifts!)

(Katie and Samantha.)

(Aunt Nana and Mawmaw gushing over Samantha!)
(The oldest and youngest Hauser Grand-children!)

Today Libby came over and we went to Jenny Johnson's wedding shower. Jenny is marrying Doug Hauser on Nov 7th and Jeff is going to be a groomsmen! But today was her shower for the Hauser side of the family. It was really nice getting to see everyone on that side of the family since we do not get to see them very often. Most of them had not met Samantha yet so it was nice to get to show her off to everyone. When Samantha and I got home we visited with Libby for a little bit. Samantha was loving her Mawmaw very much today...all smiles! Then when Jeff got home we gave Samantha a bath. She seems to be enjoying her bath time more and more these days. I hope she loves the water as much as I do.

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