Sunday, August 2, 2009

Day 2

Lauren and Samantha have officially been gone for over 24 hours. Last night was very weird and oddly quiet at home. While I did get the best nights sleep I have had in the last 7 weeks, I still wouldn't trade sleep for my two girls. I am ready for them to return already...

So, one of my goals for this week was to rededicate myself to exercise and eating right. Hopefully posting my progress will help keep me accountable. Exercising regularly with high intensity takes more than sheer motivation. Sleep is a big component in having energy for your workouts and let's face it; I have not had as much as I have been used to.

I think I have gotten off to a great start so far. I woke up and went to church today. I returned home and promptly went on a run. I ran 4 miles in 39:57. This is right about a 10 minute mile pace and this is slower than I was before Sam was born. I have always been a slow runner but I was consistently running an 8:35-8:50 mile. Regardless, I am glad that I got some mileage in today. I returned home and had a very sensible lunch of salad and fish. After that, I went to my parents house and cut my Dad's lawn for him as he is battling a hip / back injury. I was able to burn more calories doing that I am sure. I am planning on having some flank steak for dinner with another salad. I should come in well under my 1800 calorie goal today and it's a great feeling to start the program off on the right foot. I will need to stay dedicated this week as I will have no excuses as to why I cannot find the time or energy to workout. Tomorrow will be a strength training day, chest, shoulders and triceps. I hope I can hit it hard!

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