Saturday, August 1, 2009

2 Announcements...

First, Samantha can now roll over! You might be wondering how we know this. Well, between 3:15 and 4:20am this morning as I was trying (and praying) she would go to sleep I found Samantha laying on her back...even though I had put her on her stomach!
This is another exciting milestone for us and just shows how quickly our baby girl is growing up...

Second, Lauren and Samantha are leaving this afternoon for vacation to Florida. They will be gone for an entire week...what am I going to do!?!?!?! While yes, I will attempt to catch up on some sleep, get some stuff done around the house and rededicate myself to my physical fitness; I am going to be so lost without my girls. Lauren and I have only spent 1 night apart since we've been married, and only 1 other time have we been apart this long since we've been together. And...with Samantha, I miss her a ton just on a normal day when I am away from her all day at work. I just know I will miss them more than I can describe.


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