Monday, August 10, 2009

More testing at Children's

(She doesn't look very happy here but she was actually really calm during the whole ultra-sound!)

Today Samantha had to have another ultra-sound. It is just one of the "jelly on the belly" type so luckily there were no needles involved! After the ultra-sound we went to meet with her Pediatric Urologist, Dr. Jayanthi. The long and short of it is there is still no official diagnosis and she has to go back for a Nuclear Medicine Renal Ultra-Sound in October. What we do know is that she has Hydronephrosis of what I call her second kidney (the lower right kidney.) This is not too scary since the doctor thinks that she will grow out of it. She will still take her antibiotic to make sure she does not get any infections but overall it is not too bad. Her left kidney (what I call her 1st kidney) is in perfect working that is great. It means she will not ever need a kidney transplant, kidney dialysis or have kidney infections, all great news. The big problem at this point is kidney # 3, the upper right kidney. She has dilation in this kidney and they cannot tell if there is a blockage yet. That is what the testing is going to hopefully be able to tell us in October. There are two possible places there could be blockage; in the ureter or at the top of the kidney. Blockage in the ureter is pretty common but it is very rare to have blockage at the top of her kidney. They are unsure at this point if there is even a blockage at all but it is looking like that is a very real possibility. When she goes back for the NM Renal Ultra-sound she will also have to have a needle put into her kidney and they will put some dye in there to see if/where the blockage is. They will have to sedate her for this procedure. If they do find a blockage it will not correct itself and they will have to do surgery. But I am getting ahead of myself. Right now we are praying there is no blockage but if there is we will just have to do what is best for Samantha. Luckily, Samantha is a happy little girl and has no clue that she has too many kidneys! And she will not ever remember any of these test! Keep us all in your prayers!
PS: Samantha weighs 12.7 lbs today!

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