Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Days 4 & 5

Was too lazy to post last night so am catching up today. I didn't know my posts were that interesting until today when Lauren told me that her, Tina and Dee have been making bets about what I eat. Sorry to disappoint ladies.
Yesterday was a good day. Yogurt for breakfast, ham sandwich and veggies for lunch with an afternoon snack of grapes. Got home from work, immediately changed and ran 4 miles. It was a little rough and I am a little sore today but all will be fine if I keep running. Had Salmon patty burgers (no buns) and a salad for dinner. A couple spoon fulls of peanut butter was dessert. Very pleased with yesterday.
Today has been a mirror image. Exact same breakfast, lunch and afternoon snack. Came home from work and worked out back and biceps. I hate chin-ups. My arms are officially annihilated. Dinner will either be leftover salmon and salad or eggs and turkey bacon again...undecided as of yet. If my diet sound boring and repetitive...IT IS. I know I am in the zone when I view food as fuel and not a vehicle for pleasure.
It's only Wednesday and it feels like Lauren and Sam have been gone forever. I fear Samantha is growing and developing and I am missing it. I hope she hasn't forgotten me already...
Cannot wait for my girls to get home safe!!!

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