Monday, August 3, 2009

Day 3

It's Monday now and my beautiful wife and daughter are enjoying the beach while I am home with just the dogs to keep me company. :) Every time Lauren sends me a picture of her or Samantha I realize just how blessed I am to have them in my life. Sometimes I think God will realize how much He has blessed me and take some time off...

Yesterday was a really good start to my "program" and so far today I have been able to keep it up. I had a protein shake for breakfast, yogurt for a snack, turkey sandwich w/ veggies for lunch and an afternoon snack of grapes. I came home and went right to workout. I worked chest, shoulders and tri's today and kept the pace and intensity up and managed to average a 126 heart rate which is pretty good for me for a non cardio workout. Going to take out the trash now, shower and have a high protein dinner of eggs (I LOVE EGGS) w/ turkey bacon...

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