Tuesday, August 4, 2009


(Mom, Dee and I celebrating Dee and Steve's 32nd Anniversary.)

(JELLYFISH with a sand dollar.)

Today we saw 2 jellyfish on the shore. Since being stung by a Jellyfish is my # 1 fear in life, I will NOT be getting in the water anymore. But today while looking at some houses with Mom and Dee I put Samantha's feet and legs in the water...she loved it. Well she did not cry so I will take that as she loved it. Then we went to a Japanese Restaurant for dinner (Dee and Steve's 32nd Anniversary) since Steve is out of town we took Dee out to a nice dinner. Hopefully we can find a pool to go to tomorrow since the ocean is officially off-limits! I think mom and I are going to try and go Parasailing tomorrow morning and Dee is going to watch Samantha...what fun!

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