Sunday, June 6, 2010

A visit from Grady...

Tonight Nick and Grady stopped over for a short visit. Samantha was already in bed so Grady got all of our undivided attention. And what a ham he was!!! He loved playing in Samantha's Cozy Coupe and walker. I don't know what it is with this walker but it seems like babies of all ages flock to it! Grady was able to climb in all by himself...what a big boy!

We went to small group tonight and had a blast! We really enjoy our time with our friends from church! But anyway's, tonight the group made us this care basket to take with us to the hospital for Samantha's surgery. It is completely loaded with goodies; gum, mints, candy, nuts, crackers, drinks, crossword puzzles, a kids book, stuffed doggie and more! I was in shock when they gave it to us! It reminds me how generous people are and knowing that they are praying and thinking about us during this hard time is nothing short of amazing.

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