Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Pool Day!

Since it was soooo hot today I decided to take Samantha over to my mom's pool. Here she was just sitting on the top step getting use to the water.

She loved it and all she had done was sit on the first step!

I pulled her around the pool on the noodle. She was even kicking her little feet!

My mom and aunt pulled out the baby raft and we put Samantha in. She loved it when I pulled her around the pool really fast! And the great thing about this raft is that the cover kept her shaded while she played.

Here is mom and Samantha playing in the pool!

Samantha and my Aunt Vikki sitting on the edge of the pool.

After a little swimming she took a break to play in the wagon. Aunt Vikki pulled her all around the pool.

Since it was hot, I got a chocolate popsicle. And of course, I shared some with Samantha...which made a huge mess, but again...she loved it. Samantha's surgery is on Friday and she will not be able to swim again for a little while so I am really glad we made it over there today. The weather was perfect and the water was cool, but not cold. I cannot wait to take my little fish back!

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