Saturday, June 12, 2010

Samantha's Birthday Party!

This blog is going to be a lot more pictures than words. There are no words to describe some of these pictures.

Getting ready to leave for her big party!

We had a pizza party at Massey's in Gahanna. We had the back room all to ourselves. Other than being really hot back there it was a great place for a party!

Here was her big cupcake as she just started to dig in.

I swear her hands were not tied behind her back....I guess she thought it would just be easier to skip the whole feeding herself the cake thing ;)

Really getting into this whole cake eating experience.

Way past being appropriate!!! LOL

Here she was opening her presents with me. She really likes books and started "reading" this one as soon as it was opened!

Looking forward to whatever was inside that wrapping paper.

Daddy enjoying every moment!

More presents...this is one spoiled girl.

Reading her birthday card!

Grady and Samantha had a great time playing. Here they were hugging ;)

And here the were posing for the camera!

Some of Samantha's birthday loot.

Once we got home we put a couple of Samantha's toys together. Here is a little doll and doll stroller that Lisa and the kids gt for her. Overall this has been a perfect day!!!

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