Sunday, June 20, 2010

Home from the hospital...

Friday night was a sleepless night for both Samantha and I. The nurses came in at 2 AM, 4 AM and 6AM. Everytime they came in they would check her temperature, blood pressure, change her diapers and give her medicine. Since she was not in the mood to drink anything the nurses kept getting her popsicles! I ended up eating one out of every twin pack and my mouth looked like a rainbow by the morning! After every visit from the nurse it would take me about half an hour to get her to fall back asleep.
After the 6 AM visit from the nurse we were up for the day. They had given her all her medicines and she was in a good mood. She was climbing around my bed playing with all her toys and books. At 7 AM the kitchen opened and I ordered her some breakfast...banana, yogurt, cranberry juice and scrambled eggs. She hardly ate any of it but at least she got some down.

Jeff got to the hospital around 8:30 AM. We got Samantha changed out of her hospital gear and it to some regular pajamas. She loved just sitting on her daddy's lap listening to him sing. (I think she might actually like ACDC!!!) The doctor told us that we would get to go home today (around noon) and I swear everyones mood lifted.

Around 10:30 AM Jeff noticed a big wet pot on his shorts and we thought her catheter had leaked out, but really her IV had come apart and it was the IV fluids leaking on his shorts. So we called the nurse to let her know and when she came in she said that was perfect timing b/c the doctor gave her the ok to take her IV out altogether. So we started her discharge checklist and were well on our way out!

While the were waiting on the nurses to get everything together I took some time to paint her piggies. Someone at work had given me some pink polish so I took it to the hospital just for this occasion! We ended up walking out the door of the hospital around 11:30 and were home by noon. In the words of Dorothy, THERE IS NO PLACE LIKE HOME!

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