Saturday, March 10, 2012

Recovery & Night 1 (Part 3)

Once I was all sewn back up they wheeled me (holding Natalie) into the recovery room. It was so great getting to hold her for the first time and just stare at her cute little face! Since our family was waiting for an update, Jeff went out to the waiting room to give them all the details and spend a little bit of time with Samantha before she was going to be able to meet her baby sister. For about an hour Natalie and I got to bond just the two of us. And during this time I was able to start breastfeeding her and she took to it like she'd done it all her life. It was such a great time that I got to spend with her alone.
After an hour went by they took Natalie up to the "Well Baby" nursery to get all her vitals checked and get cleaned up. Our families were able to go see Natalie while she was in the nursery. I was told that Samantha was just in awe of her baby sister and kept saying, "That's my baby sister, Natalie Paige". How sweet?
Miss Natalie in the nursery.
Getting her first bath and Peach Fuzz hair washed.
Getting all clean!
Not too happy about being naked I am sure.
After she was all cleaned up and could hold a steady temperature, she was brought to our postpartum room. Samantha immediately wanted up in bed with Mommy so she could hold her baby sister. She just wanted to be so gentle with her.
Samantha was just so happy her sister was finally here.
She listened to everything her Daddy was telling her. Samantha just wants to be the best Big Sister she can be. And Jeff and I are just so proud of Samantha for being so good with Natalie.
Mawmaw and Natalie.
Pawpaw and Natalie.

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