Saturday, March 10, 2012

Induction (Part One)

On Friday, March 9th Jeff and I left for Riverside to be induced. I was exactly 39 weeks on the nose! We had to be at the hospital at 7 AM so we got an early start and headed out to Tim Horton's for "last supper" donuts:)
And being the "early to everything" people that we are, we ended up getting to the hospital about 20 minutes early and got checked into our Labor and Delivery room. The nurse got my IV started right away and we were on our way to meeting our baby. Since I was Group B Strep + they put penicillin into my IV along with the Pitocin (to jump start my labor). I was able to be in the bed or on the labor ball. Since I did not have to have an internal monitor I had more mobility than I had with Samantha.
At 1 PM the contractions got pretty uncomfortable and we called for the anethesiologist to get my epidural. Due to my previous back surgery, getting an epidural caused some anxiety. But once they put it in they can tell right away if it took well and mine did. So that was a huge relief. The only negative of having the epidural is that you can no longer get out of bed. And it's kind of hard to just lay in bed for a long time. But Jeff and I were both able to relax a little. Both his parents and my mom came for a visit and it was nice to have the distraction.
Labor was progressing fairly well until I hit 6 cm dilated. Once we got to 6 cm, I stopped dilating and her head had regressed a bit. After 3 hours of no progressing they had me get up on all 4's and try and get her head to come down a bit. I was allowed to be in that position for 20 minutes. And it was kind of a last ditch effort since I would be considered FTP (Failure to Progress) if her head did not come down. And despite our best effort, her head did not come down. Since the baby was handling labor well we had the option to wait it out a bit, but my Dr. really did not think that time would make a difference. So at 5:45 PM(ish) we made the decision to go ahead with the C-section. Once we gave them the go ahead there was a flurry of activity. The OR was called and we were put on the books for a 6 PM C-section. The anethesiologist came back in and game me more epidural medicine. Then they gave me a bunch of different medicines for various different things. One of the medicines was a liquid that was like a shot of Shock Tart tasting stuff that was for acid reflux, I think. Jeff was given an outfit to wear in the OR and information was being hammered into us. Stuff like, you are going to feel sensations but not pain, you have to stay behind the blue curtain, it will take about 15 minutes from when we start cutting to when the baby comes out, it takes twice as long to sew you back up than it did to get in, etc. It was quite a whirlwind and then they were wheeling me down to the OR.
Mom was in the room when all this was going down and it kind of freaked her out, but she just kept telling me to do what was best for the baby. So that is exactly what we did...

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