Saturday, March 10, 2012

Day 2 (Part 4)

We were able to get a few decent blocks of sleep while Natalie went to the nursery. They would bring her in every 3 hours or so to nurse then she would go back to the nursery. At 7 AM we got up for the day and Natalie stayed with us at that point. The most annoying part of that first night was that nurses came in all the time just to bother us. Well they also did medical things but to me it was just a bother. I had to have my blood pressure and temperature taken every hour. Another nurse would come in and put medicine into my IV every 2 hours(ish) and another nurse came in at some point to take my blood (which I am pretty sure I slept thru.) Not to mention I had these boot things on that would squeeze my foot every 15 seconds or so. So as soon as I would dose off my foot would get squeezed and it would startle me awake. But at 7 AM when Natalie came in to be fed and I got to hold her sweet little self again, you forgive all the sleep deprivation from the previous 8 hours. ***The picture above was made by Jeff on his iPhone.***
See, how can you be mad about not getting any sleep when this is the little face you get to see when you are awake?
Natalie's little foot print. (We never got one of Samantha's foot since she was in the NICU.)
The Hague's came for a visit in the morning. Mandy was so excited to finally get to hold Miss Natalie. Grady was also excited to meet his new cousin even though she wasn't a cat. (He'd been hoping I was pregnant with a cat.)
Uncle Nick and Miss Natalie.
Gram and her 4th grandchild. (PS: I LOVE this picture Mom.)
My Aunt Vikki and Miss Natalie.
Nana (AKA Aunt Tonia) and Miss Natalie.
On the Hauser side of the family this is the oldest (Jessica, 19) and youngest (Natalie, 2 days old) grandchildren.
Samantha came back for a visit around 5 PM and was very happy to take my spot in the bed and hold her baby Natalie Paige.
Samantha is so loving and sweet towards her baby sister. I hope that they end up being just as close as my brother and I were as kids (and still are today).
***As far as my recovery is going.... Today was pretty good. Other than the fact that the morphine they used in my epidural made me itch like I had chicken pox. I was able to shower today and wear normal clothes which also helped. Once the morphine wore off the itching stopped and I felt much better. They also took out my catheter and IV today which also greatly improved my mood. Jeff and I were even able to go down to the cafeteria with the Hauser clan for dinner. We are hoping to be released as a family tomorrow!

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