Thursday, March 15, 2012

Our first week home!

This morning (well it was like 11:30 AM) Miss Natalie was in a great mood. Jeff snapped this super cute Elvis smile picture.
And I snapped this super sweet naked sleeping picture.
We figured out that Miss Natalie loves being swaddled. Its is so odd but Jeff and I just assumed Natalie would like the things that Samantha liked as a baby and dislike the things Samantha disliked. But we have quickly figured out that these two girls are different. Samantha HATED being swaddled and Natalie loves it (as seen above).
Since Natalie is bald, she seems to get cold a lot easier than Samantha did. So we keep a hat on her a lot more than we ever did with Samantha. And we also like to keep her in a sleep sack at night for extra warmth.
Samantha and Daddy love smothering Natalie with kisses!
Samantha loves talking to and about Natalie. She will say, "Mommy tell me a story about Natalie." It is super cute.
Samantha wanted Natalie to lay down on the mat (specifically her head had to be on the sun and feet on the caterpillar) and she wanted to sit right next to her baby sister.
I will probably post a TON of sleeping baby pictures over the next few months. There is just nothing sweeter in life than a sleeping baby.
Samantha loves holding her baby sister and we have figured out that if you put the boppy around her she can "hold" her sister pretty well.
A sleep deprived Daddy and a well rested Natalie :)
Aunt Mandy stopped by the night we brought Natalie home to drop off Samantha. And to get in some more cuddle time with Natalie.
My Mom has been coming over nearly every day to hold Miss Natalie. And Natalie knows that as soon as Gram picks her up it is time for a nap.
My Grandmother Hague came over and brought Natalie a blanket (which you can see in the picture.) Natalie is Grandma's 6th Great-Grandchild.

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