Monday, May 31, 2010

Cozy Coupe and random pictures from the past week.

Tonight we went over to Nick and Mandy's for pizza. We ended up walking up to a park in their neighborhood and we put Samantha in a swing for the first time. She loved it!

Samantha and I going down the slide!

Anyone that knows me knows that I LOVE buying and selling things on Craigslist. Well today I got Samantha this Cosy Coupe! I brought it home and cleaned it up really good with bleach and presented it to Samantha! She hasn't quite figured out how to make it move yet but she liked getting in and out, turning the steering wheel and pushing the horn. For $15 I think it was a great investment.

Getting in her Cozy Coupe.

Driving around in the kitchen!

Honking the horn! Toot Toot

Saturday night Jeff took Samantha out to dinner with his family. So when he got her dressed he was drawn to the Ed Hardy onsie. I bought this with not only Samantha in mind, but Jeff as well. He loves dressing her all "cool".

After our AWFUL swimming experience at Mandy's I thought I better buy her a pool so I can get her use to the water. So I was going to buy her a really nice one but then Jeff talked me out of it. Since my mom has a beautiful pool and only lives 5 minutes away I decided to just get her the really basic one from Meijer. I came home and filled it up on the back deck. Then I put her down for her afternoon nap. By the time she got up the water was warm and the deck was shaded so it was PERFECT swimming time. I didn't even bother with a swimsuit; just a swimming diaper, and out we went.

And the pool is back to being a huge success! She loved holding onto the side and standing up. She would splash around with her feet and laugh laugh laugh.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Swimming adventure...

Today I took Samantha over to Nick and Mandy's to play in the baby pool. She loves the bath so I figured she would love the pool even more. That was not the case...

Samantha not loving the pool at all! As soon as I would put her in she would climb right back out!
Here she was sitting on my lap recovering from her traumatic pool experience. Nothing is as comforting to her as her thumb which she promptly put in her mouth once I got her out of the pool.

This morning I had to take Samantha to the doctors office to make sure her double ear infection had cleared up...which it had. She really like playing with this toy in the waiting room. Below is a 1 minute clip of her figuring out how to move the beads around.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Sleepy girl...

Samantha fell asleep in the car on the way home from the babysitter today. So when Jeff got home he put her in her crib and she has been sleeping ever since. I am starting to think she is down for the night! It either means she is going to get up really early tomorrow morning or she will wake up at her normal time really well rested! I am keeping my fingers crossed for the latter. We have a big day planned tomorrow so hopefully she will be up for all our big adventures... including swimming at Nick and Mandys with her cousins!!!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Pizza and Carrot Dinner

Here is Samantha eating Pizza and Carrots for dinner! She LOVED it!

Feeding herself the last bite of pizza.

Daddy sneaking in a bite of carrots.

Happy girl with a full belly!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Hell City Tattoo Fest 2010

Jeff got this portrait of Samantha on his left rib cage! (Talk about painful) But I think it could not look more like our baby. Look at those dimples!

Who's good at geography? It's the outline of the state of Maine with a little heart where Bar Harbor is...where Jeff and I got married.

Me getting my tattoo done by Chris Chubbuck from Sanford, Maine.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Jeffersonville Outlet Day!

This afternoon Samantha, Mandy and I went to Jeffersonville Outlet Mall. Here is a picture of Samantha before we left...I just love her little pigtails.

She didn't want to stand there long to let me take her picture...she had to get to the camera.

Loving the flash of the camera.

Does she look like me? Everyone says she looks like her daddy, but I would like to claim a little bit of her good looks :)

Today for lunch she had some Mac-n-Cheese. It is such a messy food for her to eat so I striped her down to her diaper for the occasion. I love the piece stuck to her shoulder, saving it for later I am sure.

Just before lunch Samantha was playing on the floor. She loves playing with the pillows from the couch. She will push them all around the floor. Every once in awhile should would take a quick break and lay down. It is funny to me that she knows to lay her head on a pillow since she does not sleep with any pillows in her crib.

This is the "Good Morning Daddy" picture from this morning. Talk about Morning Hair!!!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Wonderful day with Samantha.

Here is a picture of my beautiful baby after getting her diaper changed. She has been such a happy girl today. I just love my Tuesday's with her; getting to spend the whole day together...just the two of us!

Here is a minute long video of Samantha laughing and eating strawberries for snack.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Stride-n-Ride Lion - Thanks Gram!

My Mom and I went shopping a month or so ago at Target and she let Samantha pick out a few things for her 1 year birthday. But I kind of jumped the gun and gave it to her yesterday since she was finally feeling better and wanting to play. I am pretty sure she will still have TONS of presents on her birthday which is less than a month away. She is one spoiled silly little girl.

I mean seriously...nothing in the world is cuter!

Here she was today playing with it in the "stride" position. I love that it can go between a ride on toy and a push toy.

Samantha took a short break from her new toy to play with Maggie. She really like touching Maggie's feet...I think it is because she didn't have to get too close to her. Luckily, Maggie would let Samantha do anything she wanted to her.

A short video of Samantha playing!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Grady came over today for a playday!

This morning Mandy brought Grady over for me to babysit while she took Chase to his 6 month check up. I DVR'd Sid and Super Why so that he would be able to watch his favorite shows while eating his breakfast. After Sid went off he kept saying; "More Sid?". It was super cute. Above is Grady and Samantha playing on the floor. She is still not feeling good but no longer has a fever.

Here is Grady "hugging" Samantha. He loved kissing her head and giving her hugs.

This picture is from last night. It was just too cute for me not to post. When Jeff got home from work Samantha cuddled up with him on the couch and was just so happy to be in her daddy's arms. I know the feeling of those is the safest place I know and I am sure Samantha will feel the same way. We love you daddy!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Samantha is 11 Months old today...still sick :(

Despite being sick, I had to take Samantha's 11 Month Old picture. Jeff and I could not get her to smile, but we think she is still pretty cute:) After her bath, Jeff slicked back her hair especially for this occasion.

Tonight Samantha started feeling a little better. I think a bath has some magical healing powers because she always seems to feel a little better afterwards.

This morning Samantha woke up at 8:30 AM. I took her temperature and it was up to 103.0 and I had given her medicine at 2:30 AM so I was so shocked it was this high. She was just so cuddly and wanted to just lay on me and watch t.v.

Here is Samantha watching Sid the Science Kid.

First thing this morning she was not a happy girl. She was really hot and just feeling crummy. I gave her a 20 minute bath and that really seemed to help bring her fever down. I hate that my little girl is feeling so awful.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Our baby is sick again...really???

(Samantha laying on me in the waiting room at the Dr.'s office this afternoon)

Samantha has just seemed to be getting over the cold she has fought for over two weeks now. Her cough was lingering but getting better and the runny nose was slowing down as well. She had a very good weekend where she was very happy and things appeared to be turning up. She slept great last night and was in her normal happy, cheerful mood this morning when I woke her up and took her to the babysitter. Then...about 11:30 Kathy (babysitter) called and said she was burning up and not herself. I told her I would be there as soon as I could. I emailed Lauren and relayed everything to her, finished up a couple of things at work and ran out. When I got to the babysitter's house, my little baby was just pathetic. She was just laying on Kathy and had no energy. They told me her throat seems to be bothering her as she wouldn't eat or drink anything. As soon as I picked her up I could feel the heat radiating from her. I took her home and took her temperature. 102.8!! I texted Lauren and then called Dr. They were closed for lunch but I just got in the car and went over. Long story short, they got us in and Samantha was diagnosed with a DOUBLE EAR INFECTION!! She was given an antibiotic and I got her some baby ibuprofen. I brought her home, bathed her, gave her medicine and fed her a bottle. She is now peacefully taking a nap.

Our family really needs a break...

Sunday, May 9, 2010

My first Mother's Day!

Today was my first real Mother's Day. (Last year on I was 8 1/2 months pregnant.) I took a 1/2 day off work so I got home at 5 AM and was able to get a little nap in before I had to get up and ready for church. Nick, Mandy and their boys came to Reynoldsburg Church of Christ to be with mom and it was great having everyone all together. After church we went to Champps for brunch. They have a great Mother's Day buffet and Mom's ate free!!!
Tonight we are going to Claddaghs for dinner with Jeff's family. I have not gotten to see my nieces and nephews on that side of the family in a long time so I am looking forward to spending time with them. Not to mention I am excited to celebrate Mother's Day with Libby. Happy Mother's Day to all you Mother's out there!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Samantha has graduated to a big girl high chair.

Here is Samantha eating breakfast; yogurt, blueberries and bananas! Up until a couple days ago I had been feeding her in her bumbo. She seems to like being in her big girl chair a lot more than her bumbo! My baby is growing up.
Here is a picture from the porch of Cracker Barrel. They had little rocking chairs just her size. And don't you just love her jellies?