Monday, February 1, 2010

First Time in the Big Bath Tub!

Today at work I was talking to some of my co-workers about Samantha's feet hanging over the edge of her babies bath tub and they were shocked that I still bathed her in the babies bath tub. I guess I never even thought about moving her on up to the big bath tub before. To me she is a BABY therefore belongs in the BABIES bath tub. But they were probably right... So tonight Samantha and I got into the big bath tub and she loved it! It was more difficult because she was slippery but I think from now on I will be bathing her this way just because she loved it so much!
Here is a picture of Samantha this morning all loaded up to go to Whitney's, our babysitter. She is just such a happy girl, especially in the mornings. And she has gotten so use to getting her picture taken that as soon as she sees the camera she starts smiling. I am sure it is only a matter of time before she starts hating it! But for right now I am going to take advantage these smiles and take as many pictures as possible.

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