Friday, February 5, 2010

Blizzard in Gahanna!

Today around 10 am the snow started falling. We are supposed to be getting a foot of snow here in Central Ohio. For us that is a TON of snow. So today I went and picked up my mom so we could go get some lunch. Then I came home and shoveled! Now I love the cold weather and all that comes with it. And I really do not mind shoveling. (I would MUCH rather shovel than rake leaves!) But when the snow is coming down faster than I can shovel it up I get frustrated. So after two sweeps of the driveway I threw in the towel and Jeff will take the next round of shoveling when he gets home. Above is a picture of the fruits of my labor!
Here is a picture of Mom and Samantha today at lunch. Doesn't she look so ornery? (Samantha that is!) You can see all the snow on the trees in the background!
Here is Samantha all bundled up at Scrambler's getting ready to head home! I normally do not bundle either one of us up this much but the snow was coming down so fast I wanted to make sure she stayed warm. I even packed an extra bottle in case we got stuck somewhere! Luckily we made is home safe and sound! Hopefully I will make it to work ok tonight...ugh!

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