Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Samantha's 6 Month check up!

Jeff took this picture of Samantha sleeping last night! She was all sprawled out like she fell asleep just how we laid her down.
This afternoon I took Samantha to her 6 month check up! I still cannot believe she is 6 months old! She was a very happy camper playing on the crinkly paper and looking the mirror. She is now 19 lbs 13 oz! Talk about a big girl! The doctor said she will never shop in the petite section...haha!

Samantha was entertaining herself with anything she could get her hands on! She especially loves her apple (seen above). She was in a really good mood right up until she got her shots! The one is especially bad because the nurse said it really stings and all babies cry when they get that one. And Samantha was not excluded from these tears! She wailed as soon as the nurse stuck her. I felt terrible for her, but I was glad that she was able to fall asleep on the way home and has been asleep ever since. She really is the greatest baby in the world. We are blessed!

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