Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Girls Day out...with my BFF!

Today Samantha and I went shopping for some last minute Christmas shopping. I realized last night that all the hats we have for Samantha were MUCH too small so first stop of our day was to get her a warm winter hat! (See Above) Then we stopped by a variety of places picking up gifts then we went to California Pizza Kitchen to meet up with my BFF from work...Brenda.

Brenda and I really got to know each other when we both worked the Virginia areas at work. See Brenda knows EVERYTHING there is to know about being an Assigner, so I bugged/asked her questions all day. I was finally able to wear her down and made her become my BFF. So today we met up for lunch since she is on vacation this week and I was off too. It was fun getting to hang out with her outside of work.

Samantha fell asleep towards the end of our lunch so we came home and I put her to bed. She was so sweet and Brenda loved getting her hold her when she was sleeping. A sleeping baby is so precious, but at almost 20 pounds of dead weight she can make your arms fall asleep fast! Good thing God made me strong because I just love holding my sweet girl!

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