Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas afternoon with The Hauser's!

Jeff getting some much needed zzzzzz!
This afternoon we went to Jeff's parents house for Christmas lunch. It was really nice because Lisa's kids got to be there for a little bit before they had to go to their dads. Samantha fell asleep on the way over but did not stay asleep very long once we got there. So she went from grumpy to happy to grumpy back to happy. Above she is playing with Nana and was in one of her happy modes.

While we ate lunch we put Samantha in a high chair to play. For some reason she really loved sticking her tongue out and spent most of the afternoon with it out!

Jim and Libby do ALL of the cooking! I know that Tonia and Jess brought some desserts! (Thanks for the Buckeye Bars! My personal favorite) but other than that Libby and Jim take care of everything. Now I know this sounds really lazy, but it was so nice to walk into their house and just be able to spend time with everyone and lay around on the couch since there was nothing for me to do. The meal was great and I over indulged myself. But Jeff and I get to really relax so infrequently that we really took advantage of that today.

Lisa and Gary opening their gifts.

Jessica, Samantha and Jillian playing.

Pa and Granny. (Libby's parents.)

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