Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas evening with my Mom!

At 3:30 PM today we went over to my mom's for our Christmas celebration! Within a few years I think the children will out number the adults at these get togethers. But this year it was nice because we all got to take turn holding babies. I think that Samantha looks a little jealous in the picture above!
Mom with all three of her Grandchildren. Grady kept trying to get out of the picture...I wonder why? LOL And poor little Chase was looking for food in all the wrong places!
Here I am with my sleepy girl. She REFUSED to take an afternoon nap so we got a lot of cuddle time in today.
Me and Chase. Although he was crying a bit in this picture we got in some good quality time today. I think my "soft" belly was like a water bed to him and he nestled right in.

Here is my mom with what I think is her favorite gift of the season. Mandy and I had pictures of the kids done about a month ago and gave Tina a collection of these pictures. My mom just loves pictures of family in general but when they are of her grand kids she is especially emotional. So she REALLY loved this gift!

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