Monday, December 21, 2009

Hauser Christmas Dinner

(L-R: Derek (Jessica's boyfriend), Matt, Hannah, Jessica, Jillian & Samantha, Joe and Katie)
(Jillian and Samantha playing on the floor.)
(My beautiful niece Katie!)
(Matt being silly. He had no clue I took this picture!)
Tonight, after work, Jeff, Samantha and I went over to the South Columbus Freewill Baptist Church fellowship hall for the Hauser Family Christmas. Since I did not get off work until 5:30 PM, we did not end up getting over there until after 6 PM. The whole extended family was there except for Pa and Granny. We had lot of food and too much dessert! We ended up pushing Samantha way past her bed time and she started melting down around 7:45 PM so we ended up having to duck out early. Hopefully we will get to visit with Pa and Granny on Christmas Day!

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