Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Siesta Key: Day 5

Today Samantha woke up a little earlier than our new normal. She was up and ready to go @ 8:15 AM. I was a little sleepy still since I had stayed up with Mom until 1 AM watching movies! So since we were up so early, and my mom was still sleeping, Samantha and I packed up a bag for the beach and took off on our bike!

The water is still pretty cold, but there are people insane enough to get in and swim. Samantha and I are both smarter than that and we stayed up on the sand.

It looks like we were the only people out there but actually there were a lot of people out walking and just hanging out. I was able to snap a couple of pictures quick enough without any spectators in the background!

After a lot of playing we sat down for a quick snack!

While Samantha was playing with her bubbles, I made a little turtle sandcastle. The whole time I was making it, Samantha was pointing at it saying; "sit sit sit". She must have thought I was making a comfy chair for her to sit on! And my turtle was quickly destroyed after I got this picture!

After a couple hours at the beach, we rode back home. I gave Samantha a shower outside and we got dresses for lunch. Today, Samantha, Sandy, Mom and I went to the Old Salty Dog down in the Village. It was nice saying on the island for lunch since it is so close to my mom's house. And we even sat outside to eat.

On the way home from lunch, which is about a 5 minute drive, Samantha fell asleep. I was able to transfer her from the car, thru a diaper change, and into her crib without waking her up!

When she woke up, 4 1/2 hours later, she was in a great mood!

She was full of energy from all that sleeping!

While she was in the midst of her power nap, Miss Dee and I went kayaking. Dee and Steve keep there kayak's here at my moms house so all we had to do was drop them in the canal and off we went.

Miss Dee! Do you see that little red shoe on the front of her kayak? She found it floating in the canal and felt so bad for the little kid that lost it so she had to rescue it from the water. Now that rescued shoe is in my mom's trash. But it was the thought that counts...right?!?!?

It takes a little bit to get use to the steering aspect of kayaking but once you do it is a lot of fun. We were out for a little over an hour I would think and it was a pretty decent work out. It was also fun getting to see some of the monster houses from the canal.

For dinner we all went to Outback Steakhouse. (Dee, Steve, Sandy, Mom, Samantha and I) The whole time we were at dinner Samantha was a wiggle worm! So after dinner we wanted to go burn her energy off so we went to the Westfield Mall. They have a foam play area just like the Mall's back home. But mostly, she like just running up and down the halls of the mall.

Sitting, looking cute, on a random bench at the mall.
We got home shortly after 9 PM and she went straight to bed! Nite Nite

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