Monday, March 21, 2011

Are we moving?

Tonight while Jeff was out grilling steaks for dinner Samantha went to check on the progress. Jeff snapped this picture with his cell phone!

After dinner we drove out to the house we want to buy. Yes, I said we want to move again! If we end up buying this house it will be out FOREVER home. Right across the street from the house is a little park so we walked over with Samantha to give it a try. She loved the playing on the see-saw with Mommy and Daddy!

Swinging! Wee

Monday, March 14, 2011

Trash Pickin'

Tonight, while Jeff went for a run, Samantha and I headed out for a walk. I unpacked the jogging stroller and headed out! It was trash day and everyone had dragged their trash down to the curb and I saw this Little Tykes doll cradle. It was covered in marker and crayon so I walked on by. But I did a second loop around and decided it was worth taking home and cleaning up! And look what a gem it turned out to be! Samantha loves it and I am so glad I have no shame in trash picking!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Cutie Pie!

My mom bought this dress for Samantha in Florida and had it monogrammed. I love love love this outfit because it make me think of my childhood. My mom had a lot of my childhood clothes monogrammed and I think it is just too cute not to share!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Audubon Metro Park

Today, after Samantha's morning nap, we took her to Audubon Metro Park...close to the Whittier Trail. It is fairly new and so we wanted to go check it out.

Samantha loved the slide the most, but really enjoyed all of it!

There is a huge water tower and you can go up to an observation deck. You can see the whole park from up there, and downtown too!

Samantha was able to hold on for a few seconds, but not much longer than that. That is why her daddy is jumping in to "save" her. But she really liked dropping to the ground all by herself. She was able to land on her feet when she dropped and she was as impressed with herself as we were.

They have a huge rock climbing structure there. And there were actually a lot of people there climbing. But we just climbed up on this little rock for fun.

Do you see the person in the background almost to the top of the rock?
Since it was really nice outside today we were glad we were able to get out and enjoy the weather. Hopefully spring is right around the corner.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Granny's Funeral

This morning we went to Granny's funeral. It was at her church at South Columbus Freewill Baptist Church, the church Pa built. The service was very emotional for everyone, including the kids. After the funeral we all went to the Cemetery. It was a testimony to Granny's life the amount of people we had in the processional! She was a very loved woman. In the picture above, where the curtain is, is where Granny was laid to rest.

Everyone was given a rose from the floral arraignment off Granny's casket. They were beautiful, as you can see.

Pa and Granny's grave stone. They have still not added Granny's death year, but I am sure they will soon. I am praying Pa will live a lot longer.

There were only a few roses left in the floral arrangement on the casket from where everyone took them home. I am going to dry mine out and keep it forever.

The great-grandchildren all released balloons in honor of Granny. There were a lot more but with the delay on my camera I was only able to catch two of them in my picture.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Granny's Showing

Today, Jeff and I dropped Samantha off at my brothers house so we could go spend the day with Jeff's family. First we went to church at the South Columbus Free Will Baptist Church then had a potluck in the fellowship hall. It was a bittersweet time; it was great getting to spend time with the whole family but the reason we were together is sad, really sad. Pa just seems beside himself and it is not surprising considering he was married to Granny for 66 years!

At 3 we all went over to the funeral home for the showing. All the family went 1 hour before the open showing for everyone else. And let me tell you, walking into this room with Pa was nothing short of heart wrenching. He misses his 'baby doll', we all do. But Granny did look really nice. Although she had on a little too much lipstick for Pa's liking so he had them tone it down a bit. I love that he is still looking out for even in death. It is very endearing to hear Pa speak of Granny. He said he was smitten with Granny from the time she was 8-9 years old. Talk about enduring love!

At 4 the doors were open for all the friends to come and pay their respect to Granny. And there was a huge crowd of people that came thru. I was really touched that the Small Group that Jeff and I attend on Sunday night's all showed up! Even though they never knew Granny, they know and love Jeff and I. And it really meant a lot that they came to support us. Also, Jeff's best friend from work, Jay, came which I know meant a lot to Jeff.

Tomorrow we have the funeral at 11 which I am sure is going to be another really long and hard day. I pray the God will send a little sunshine down on us tomorrow.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Home Sweet Home

Today my mom and Dee drove Samantha and I to the airport. It is so hard going thru security that once we got to the gate and saw this little play area we were both thrilled! Samantha had a great time running around this area.

Looking all sweet and innocent.

We were able to get a front row seat on the plane again so that was great. By the time we got home we were both so excited to see Daddy we could hardly stand it. I called Jeff the second we landed and by the time we made our way down to the baggage claim he came around the corner...looking super cute I might add.
Samantha was just as excited to see him as I was. And it was endearing seeing them embrace.
When we got home we put Samantha down for nap, she had a really long morning traveling. And then I had to start getting ready myself to go to dinner. We went to the Freewill Baptist Church fellowship hall to have a family dinner. It was sad. That is all I can say.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Siesta Key: Day 7

Post coming soon.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Mary Rose Hensley: 1927-2011

Be still, and know that I am God.
Psalm 46:10

For the past few weeks, Jeff's Granny has not been well. She fell at home which lead her to the hospital, then the rehab center, then the nursing home, then back to the hospital. Ultimately Granny passed away at 3 AM this morning.

Let me back up... Pa and Granny are really special people. When I first became a part of the Hauser Family these two really inspired me. For one, they were very religious. And not the type that is overly pushy with it but people that you just want to learn how to walk-the-walk from. And also, they have lead a very interesting life. Growing up in Nolan W.V. the didn't have much so they had to make do with that the did have. Every year for Thanksgiving we always go to Jim and Libs for dinner. And since I have joined the family, I sit in the same seat every year, which is right next to Granny. I always looked forward to this time I got with them to relive their past with them thru their stories. Life is going to be different in the Hauser Family with out Granny...Especially for me on Thanksgiving.

I am going to miss Granny.

But here is what I am holding on to...Granny is up in Heaven, walking for the first time in a really long time, enjoying the mobility of both her arms and hands and physically doing things she hasn't done in years. Not to mention, standing at the right hand of God! I pray she is at peace.

From The Columbus Dispatch:
HENSLEY Mary Rose Hensley, born May 7, 1927 in Nolan, W.Va., went to be with the Lord on Thursday, March 3, 2011. Daughter of the late Ernest and Mary Thompson. Preceded in death by sister Rushia Calhoun. Survived by loving husband of 66 years, Reverend Richard Hensley. Survived by children, Larry Joe (Kathy) Hensley, Charlottie (Raymond) Mounts, Elizabeth (James) Hauser and James Ernest (Lorita) Hensley; nine grandchildren and 15 great- grandchildren. Also survived by sister, Gertrude Reed of Louisa, Ky.; many nieces and nephews; many friends at South Columbus FWB Church where she was a member and Pastor's wife for many years; special friends, Diana Sparks and Carmen Parsley. Special thanks to the Mt. Carmel Palliative Care Unit at Mt. Carmel West. Friends may call Sunday from 4-8 p.m. at the O. R. WOODYARD CO. CHAPEL, 1346 S. High Street. The funeral service will be Monday 11 a.m. at the South Columbus Freewill Baptist Church, 632 Hilock Rd. Reverend J.O. Stevens and Reverend Leon Stevens officiating. Entombment Franklin Hills Memory Gardens Mausoleum.

Siesta Key: Day 6

This morning Mom got up and got Samantha out of bed for me! Woo Hoo And since we were all up early we decided to ride our bikes into the Village for breakfast. We ate at my favorite breakfast place here called Sun Garden. I had their famous Sweet Potato Pancakes.

After breakfast we rode our bikes around some more and did some shopping before heading home. Towards the end of our bike ride Samantha was leaning over and resting her head on my arm, sleepy girl. So I gave her some milk to drink to keep her awake for the rest of the ride.

And like every other day she could hardly make it to her bed before she fell asleep for her nap. But today she only slept for a couple hours and was right back up and ready for more.

We went to Dutch Valley again for dinner. My Great Aunt Mary Lou and Uncle Dick came up from Englewood to meet us there. It was so great getting to spend a little time with them since I do not get to see them very often!

And it was also great that Samantha got to see them again too. She loves all the "old" people down here and was drawn to Mary Lou and Dick like flies to a light in the night.
After dinner we came home and my mom's neighbor's daughter came over to babysit so that Mom, Dee and I could go see a movie. We ended up going to see Just Go With It (which I really liked) and Janet, Dee's sister-in-law joined us too!
We got home around 9:35 PM and Samantha was very excited to see me! But not as excited as I was to see her. After reading a couple books...she was ready for bed! Nite Nite

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Siesta Key: Day 5

Today Samantha woke up a little earlier than our new normal. She was up and ready to go @ 8:15 AM. I was a little sleepy still since I had stayed up with Mom until 1 AM watching movies! So since we were up so early, and my mom was still sleeping, Samantha and I packed up a bag for the beach and took off on our bike!

The water is still pretty cold, but there are people insane enough to get in and swim. Samantha and I are both smarter than that and we stayed up on the sand.

It looks like we were the only people out there but actually there were a lot of people out walking and just hanging out. I was able to snap a couple of pictures quick enough without any spectators in the background!

After a lot of playing we sat down for a quick snack!

While Samantha was playing with her bubbles, I made a little turtle sandcastle. The whole time I was making it, Samantha was pointing at it saying; "sit sit sit". She must have thought I was making a comfy chair for her to sit on! And my turtle was quickly destroyed after I got this picture!

After a couple hours at the beach, we rode back home. I gave Samantha a shower outside and we got dresses for lunch. Today, Samantha, Sandy, Mom and I went to the Old Salty Dog down in the Village. It was nice saying on the island for lunch since it is so close to my mom's house. And we even sat outside to eat.

On the way home from lunch, which is about a 5 minute drive, Samantha fell asleep. I was able to transfer her from the car, thru a diaper change, and into her crib without waking her up!

When she woke up, 4 1/2 hours later, she was in a great mood!

She was full of energy from all that sleeping!

While she was in the midst of her power nap, Miss Dee and I went kayaking. Dee and Steve keep there kayak's here at my moms house so all we had to do was drop them in the canal and off we went.

Miss Dee! Do you see that little red shoe on the front of her kayak? She found it floating in the canal and felt so bad for the little kid that lost it so she had to rescue it from the water. Now that rescued shoe is in my mom's trash. But it was the thought that counts...right?!?!?

It takes a little bit to get use to the steering aspect of kayaking but once you do it is a lot of fun. We were out for a little over an hour I would think and it was a pretty decent work out. It was also fun getting to see some of the monster houses from the canal.

For dinner we all went to Outback Steakhouse. (Dee, Steve, Sandy, Mom, Samantha and I) The whole time we were at dinner Samantha was a wiggle worm! So after dinner we wanted to go burn her energy off so we went to the Westfield Mall. They have a foam play area just like the Mall's back home. But mostly, she like just running up and down the halls of the mall.

Sitting, looking cute, on a random bench at the mall.
We got home shortly after 9 PM and she went straight to bed! Nite Nite

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Siesta Key: Day 4

Today when Samantha and I woke up we noticed it was overcast and cloudy outside. So it kind of threw a wrench into our plans of going to the beach. But lucky for us my Aunt Sandy is staying just up the street and her condo has not one, but two heated pools.

The condo has VERY strict rules about pool use and if you break these rules my Aunt could be fined. So to make sure we followed the letter-of-the-law, Samantha had to wear "plastic pants". She didn't mind at all but she did look kind of funny!

Swimming with Gram!

After swimming, we went to Dutch Valley for lunch. Samantha has really loved her coloring this week. I bought her a couple coloring books and crayons right when we got here and she does not want to go anywhere without them. She will even color while we drive down the road in her car seat!

After lunch we went home for her nap. She slept from a little before 1 to almost 5 PM. All that swimming wore her right out! When she woke up we drove around the island a little then picked up Sandy for dinner. We went to an Amish restaurant called Sugar and Spice. I had some really great Fried Chicken and Samantha loved her Mac and Cheese! On our way home from dinner we stopped by Homegoods then went home. By 9 PM she was fast asleep. I hope this whole sleeping in until 9 AM thing last all week. I am getting spoiled sleeping in everyday!