Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Take me out to the ball game...

Today my mom, Samantha and I went to the Columbus Clippers game. I got some free tickets from Columbia Gas, plus a parking pass. I had no clue how great our seats would be but they were really nice. And the parking could not have been any closer!
Here is Samantha and I in our really great seats. The weather was really nice too. It was sunny with a slight breeze so it was not too hot.

Here is Samantha and I posing with Louseal, the Clippers mascot, it's a huge bobble head!

I held Samantha up for this picture. I think it is so funny that she is on a man's body. She will hate me for this one day ;)

Mom and Samantha playing on the picnic tables.

This was a bronze baseball mitt and baseball bat and ball. It was a perfect picture op!

Samantha sitting in the mitt like a big girl.

Here is Samantha standing up at the seats. She loves all the new sights and sounds.

Columbia Gas must have been a contributor to get their name on the field posts!

Here is the view from our seats. We were only 12 rows up from the field.

The new Columbus Clippers stadium.

Here we are when we first got there and were getting settled. I just put Samantha's whole stroller on my lap until we got all our bags and things situated. Good thing we had 4 seats because we had a lot of stuff!

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