Friday, April 30, 2010

Samantha's first popsicle.

Today Jeff stayed home sick from work. We have both caught whatever Samantha had and is still recovering from. So today Samantha went to the baby sitter because I had to go close on our house. The really crazy thing is my mom called me when she was on her way over to go to closing and I was dead was 11:05 AM! And to make it worse, I went to bed at 9 PM last night. This cold is really taking it's toll on me, I can only imagine what Samantha went thru.
I went to pick Samantha up at 4:30 PM today and since it was so warm I was letting her hang out in her diaper. But it got full so I changed her and left her naked for a little bit. (The doctor said it would be a good thing to do when it is warm outside to keep her from getting diaper rash.) So we were playing with her on the couch and I was eating a popsicle...helps my sore throat and Samantha seemed really interested. So I got her one too. We put a bib on her because I knew she would make a huge mess. And it was so cute seeing her sit there eating her popsicle naked except for a bib!

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