Monday, April 26, 2010

Mawmaw came over for a visit.

Tonight, my Mom came over to visit with us (I am sure she just really wanted to see Samantha, and that's okay). We were just finishing bath time so Mom was able to watch us get her dried off and dressed. She then held her and played a bit. Samantha showed off her walking skills (attempts to walk anyway). Mom then fed Samantha her last bottle before bed. Lauren went in at the end and put Samantha in her crib. Of course, as usual Samantha cried for just a bit and my Mom doesn't get how we walk away. We always tell her that she will be fine and she's a tough little girl and she knows the routine. I guess it's harder for the grandparents...

This picture below was taken sitting at a red light on the way home from the babysitter tonight. While I don't think you can make it out on the picture, trust me...she has some wicked dried snot under her nose... Our little girl is hopefully just starting to get over the cold she has had for the last week. I for one always thought I would be less phased by a sick child. It's just a way a life and that's how it goes. However, my little baby has been so pitiful this last week but has been such a trooper. It has really been hard seeing her suffer. I guess if the occasional cold is all we have to deal with, we will be very blessed.

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