Sunday, April 11, 2010

Nick and Grady's Birthday cookout!

Here is Grady coloring in his new Elmo coloring book! Samantha was just eating the crayons as Grady took them out of the box.
Samantha in the swing at Nick and Mandy's. She had just woken up from a nap and was not too sure of the whole swinging thing.
Tonight we went to Nick and Mandy's for a birthday celebration. Nick's 31st birthday is tomorrow and Grady's 2nd birthday is on the 21st. So tonight Mandy had a cookout for her birthday boys. It was such a beautiful night for a cookout too! Grady got a new t-ball set that he LOVED and Nick got lots of cards full of money...his favorite kind of birthday present! Above is a picture of Samantha sitting in the grass. She loved tasting the grass, acorns, sticks and leaves!

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