Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Samantha's 9 month check up!

This afternoon we had Samantha's 9 month check up. These check ups are both good and bad. It is always nice to see your child's progress and find out what to expect in the near future. But it is also sad that she always has to get at least 1 shot. This time she only got one, and it was a pretty mild shot, and hardly cried at all. She is a lot more busy now and had to keep moving around to keep herself entertained. Although she loved checking herself out in the mirror!
She is 22 pounds (90th percentile), 28 inches (75th percentile) and her head is 18 inches around (90th percentile). So we still have a big girl on our hands but the doctor was really pleased and said she will start slimming down as she gets more and more mobile. Her next check up is in 3 months and apparently she will have to have 2 shots that are really painful which I am not looking forward to at all. But I will be excited to see how much she has grown and what we have to look forward to in the future.

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