Sunday, March 14, 2010

Good Morning Tradition

On the weekends, I am at work when Samantha gets up for the day. So it has become a tradition for Jeff to take a "Good Morning" picture. He texts me a really cute picture of Samantha in the morning with the caption, "Good Morning Mommy." I love these morning updates and look forward to them every weekend! The above picture was from this morning. Cute, I know!
Every Sunday night we go to small group at Bill and Kim Johnson's. They live really close to us so it is really nice! Bill and Kim are really great people and we have really enjoyed this experience and the time we get to spend with them. Above is a picture of Kim holding / playing with Samantha and Rebbecca, her daughter, looking on. Despite Samantha not getting an afternoon nap she loved playing with all the toys that Kim got out for occasions such at this! We are blessed to have people like this in our life. Everyone in our small group has become such a great blessing in our lives. I hope that these relationships will just keep on growing.

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