Thursday, March 4, 2010

Daddy's Favorite Outfit (Before and After)

The above picture is Samantha circa June 2009 (8 1/2 months ago). As you can imagine, once we found out that we would be having a girl it seemed every article of baby paraphernalia that entered our home was pink. Lauren bought this green outfit for Samantha before she was born and the moment I saw it, I loved it and it was immediately my favorite. This is the outfit that I would put Samantha in each time I was responsible for getting her dressed. Sadly though the time came that our baby outgrew this outfit and Daddy's favorite outfit was no more.

Then, a few months later Lauren came home and pulled out a 9 month version of the above. I was really excited but quickly forgot about it as it would be a few more months until it would fit her. Tuesday night Lauren brought my beautiful baby down and TA-DA...Daddy's Favorite outfit is back baby!!! The picture below is the "after" section of this post. Believe it or not, this IS the same baby. What a difference 8 1/2 months make...

Rock on Samantha...Love your Daddy...

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