Friday, September 4, 2009

Happy 28th Birthday to me!

(Grady holding Samantha this morning!)

(Jeff and I after our wonderful meal.)

Today is my 28th birthday! I feel so old! This morning Mandy brought Grady over for me to babysit while she went to the doctor. He is so sweet in the morning. For the first 45 minutes he stood at the back door watching the dogs. Then, once Samantha woke up, he wanted to "hold" her. He would point to Samantha and say, "hold hold hold". When I said ok, he literally ran to the couch and sat down waiting for me to bring her to him. He is so sweet with her. Then tonight I took Samantha over to Nick and Mandy's so that Jeff and I could go have a nice dinner to celebrate our 2 year anniversary. We went to Smith and Wollenskys at Easton and had an awesome meal. However we both over ate! My dad had gotten us a gift card when Samantha was born so we took advantage of it! While we always miss Samantha when we are not with her it was really nice to get to spend some alone time with my husband!

1 comment:

  1. Love those pics! Hope your bday/anniversary dinner was great!
