Saturday, September 5, 2009

First Day of OSU Football season and Jillians 8th Birthday.

(Our little family at Genji.)

(My mom and Samantha at the end of the evening.)

(Me with my cake!)
(Jillian with her Hannah Montana cake!)
(Mom, Grady, Mandy and Nick at Genji.)

(Jimbo, Jessica and Lib at Genji.)

(1/2 of Uncle Larry, Dad, Samantha and I.)

(Aunt Vikki, Uncle Larry and 1/2 of Dad.)

(Jillian and her friend Gabby.)

(Katie, Matt, Lisa and Tonia at dinner.)

(Jeff, Samantha and I in our OSU gear!)

(Grady kissing Samantha!)

This afternoon was the first OSU game of the season. (OSU beat Navy 31-27) Nick and Grady came over to watch the game with us! Samantha, Jeff and I were all decked out in our OSU gear! Then this evening the whole family went to Genji to celebrate my 28th birthday and Jillians 8th birthday. After dinner everyone came back to our house for cake and ice cream. It is always a lot of fun when everyone gets together. We had a full house...Nick, Mandy, Grady, Mom, Dad, Lib, Jim, Lisa, Matt, Jillian, Gabby, Tonia, Jessica, Katie, Aunt Vikki and Uncle Larry were all there to help celebrate with us.


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