Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Amish Country (Holmes County, Ohio)

(Samantha in her Amish bonnet.)

(Samantha watching Grady...a great source of entertainment for her.)

(Reading to Samantha...she seemed totally into it!)

(At Hersbergers in front of the REALLY big horse.)

(Grady and Mandy looking at the goats!)

(Mom and Samantha... see the pig?)

Last night, on my 2 year anniversary, I went to Amish Country with Mom, Mandy, Grady and Samantha. We stayed at the Comfort Inn in Sugar Creek. Mandy and I shared a room with Grady and Samantha and my mom stayed in the room next door to us. We visited the animals and ate some really great food! Mom is in her element in Amish Country...she loves all the animals and crafts. I hope Samantha develops the same love of animals that my mom and I have.

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