Thursday, September 19, 2013

The harvest moon

My girls sharing! It is a lovely sight:)

Wading in the water!

Blue skies, white sand, pink swimsuit!

The perfect day!

Happy girl in her element!

Close up!

Running from the waves!

The girls playing in the water by the life guard station.

We met with Great Uncle Dick and Great Aunt MaryLou for dinner tonight. It is always a special treat to get to see them when I am down here.

My girls are both very outgoing and love talking. It warms my heart to see my girls interact with these wonderful people I love.

I love this picture, except for the photo bomber inside the restaurant!

After dinner we went down to the village and did a little shopping. Which made us all hot so we stopped and got some ice cream!

In front of Big Olaf's!

Tonight is the harvest moon!

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