Monday, September 9, 2013

Samantha's 1st day back @ Stoneybrook #auntmandy

Today is Samantha's first day back @ Stoneybrook. She was really excited for the adventure of something other than the normal routine. This year the girls are going to Aunt Mandy's on days when Samantha has school and today was the first day.

Mandy met me at school to drop Samantha off and we were able to get the obligatory "school picture" before class started. She is just so cute!

I got to stay with her for her first day. She is a pretty go-with-the-flow kid and adapts very quickly. We have more drama about what she is going to wear than anything else in our house!

While Samantha was at school, miss Natalie got to go to the YMCA with her cousins. Mandy said she was "unphased" with the new environment and got right to playing!

Natalie had so much fun with her cousins she fell fast asleep in her new surroundings. We were a little worried about the napping thing because she has learned how to get out of her crib/pack and play.

I love my adaptable girls!!!

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