Friday, September 6, 2013

Annual Lynd's Fruit Farm Trip

This year we decided to go to Lynd's a little earlier than normal. I really wanted to pick honey crisp apples and they are one of the first apples ready to pick in the season. The apple picking was great but we decided we would probably want to go back closer to Halloween.

All of the kids loved eating while picking.
(Except Grady who only likes the picking part!)

Natalie found a huge apple and munched on it the whole time!

Hague/Hauser cousins!

Samantha in the apple tree!

Natalie's turn to climb the tree!

Chase has the sweetest expressions!

Grady loved being Spider-Man while climbing the apple tree!

Grady and his baby! He loves keeping track of his little cousin and making sure she is safe!

Samantha at 3 (on the left) and 4 (on the right)! I love watching her grow!

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