Thursday, September 26, 2013

All about HAIR

Natalie love for me to "do" her hair. She sees Samantha getting her hair done and wants to be just like her big sister. She will bring a brush to me and sit down. She finally has enough for me to "do" something other than just pretend:) The pony tail was less than an inch long!

The night before our family photo shoot I braided Samantha's hair in 4 French braids so it would be really crinkly! It turned out super cute!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

The harvest moon

My girls sharing! It is a lovely sight:)

Wading in the water!

Blue skies, white sand, pink swimsuit!

The perfect day!

Happy girl in her element!

Close up!

Running from the waves!

The girls playing in the water by the life guard station.

We met with Great Uncle Dick and Great Aunt MaryLou for dinner tonight. It is always a special treat to get to see them when I am down here.

My girls are both very outgoing and love talking. It warms my heart to see my girls interact with these wonderful people I love.

I love this picture, except for the photo bomber inside the restaurant!

After dinner we went down to the village and did a little shopping. Which made us all hot so we stopped and got some ice cream!

In front of Big Olaf's!

Tonight is the harvest moon!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Old friends making new memories!

This morning the girls wanted to brush their teeth together so I got them both set up and they were happy as clams. They are both happier when the other one is with them! It must be a sister thing:)

We met up with Tara, Nolan, Miss Dee and Kathy this morning and we all headed over to Mote Aquarium. We all had a great time getting to catch up, letting the kids play and see really cool marine animals! (I am terrified of jellyfish so I had to get some pictures of them.)

Samantha wanted her picture with the jellyfish too!

Creepy jellyfish!

Nolan and Samantha!

Miss Natalie

All 3 kiddos sitting in front of the shark tank!

Getting ready for snack time!!!

Samantha in front of the touch & feel exhibit.

Natalie LOVED the touch & feel exhibit.

Like she REALLY LOVED it!

Tara and I.

Watching the dolphin show!

Watching the dolphin show.

Nolan giving Samantha some hugs at the dolphin show!

Giant loggerhead turtle!

Natalie playing in the net they have set up to simulate how animals get stuck.

Samantha and Sam the Sea Cow. (Actually his name was Hank or something like that.)

These are such cool animals!

Natalie loved giving the manatees kisses thru the glass!

The girls were such troopers at the aquarium and were super happy to stop for lunch! Natalie turned her plate / frisbee into a hat!

Within 10 minuted of being in the car both girls fell asleep.

After nap, we headed to the local mall to let the girls run off some energy. It was pouring down rain again this afternoon/evening so this was a great indoor activity.

We all rode a train that goes all around the mall. We have tried to ride this train the last few times we have been down here and it was never running so this was a nice surprise!

Overall this was a busy but fulfilling day. It is always nice when you can catch up and spend time with old friends!