Monday, October 31, 2011

Trick Or Treat

Tonight was Trick or Treat night. Samantha has been really looking forward to getting to dress up again. For a week Samantha has been watching Halloween episodes of Bubble Guppies and Dora. She has been not stop talking about "getting candy". And we were all excited for her first year of actually being excited for the whole Holiday.

Jeff took Samantha door to door since I was still too im-mobile from dislocating my left knee. He said that she was very brave and would walk right up to the door and say "Trick or Treat". He also said that she was very polite and told everyone Thank you.

Showing off her loot!

Somewhere along the night she caught up with some other kids and would go up to the doors with them. Jeff said that if the house was particularly scary then she would ask him to go up to the door with her and carry her bucket. Daddy's are so good at making things less scary :)

Catching up with the other kids.

"Trick or Treat, Smell my Feet, Give me something good to eat!"

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