Sunday, October 23, 2011

Family Fun Weekend

Saturday Morning Jeff and Samantha made us pancakes for breakfast. Samantha loved standing up on her stop stool "helping" her daddy cook. It was really one of the sweetest things a Mommy can witness.

After breakfast we went to the local nursery and bought a bunch of mum's and bulbs to plant. As soon as we got home we went straight to work! Samantha loved putting the weeds in the bucket and just helping in general. She followed direction well and really helped alot, especially when planting the bulbs. Hopefully we will have pretty flower beds in the spring!

We got to church a little early this morning so I asked Samantha if she wanted to go up front and sing and she said yes. So she went up front, all be herself, and got on the stage and pretended to sing. She was a little embarrassed but she stayed up there and kept "singing" her little heart out. So cute!

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