Wednesday, October 5, 2011

New T-Ball Set

A co-worker of mine gave me her grandsons old t-ball set. So I told Jeff that when he got home tonight we were going to spend sometime outside. And that is just what we did.

She really liked doing it all by herself. So we just let her whack away at the ball.

After t-ball she wanted to get out her little tykes car. She kept telling us she was going to Aunt Mandy's house and would tell us bye. Then 5 feet later she would say, "I'm Home" and jump back out of the car. At one point Jeff asked her if she needed any gas in her car and she said, "yea". The she walked over the yard and pulled some grass and put that in her pretend gas tank. I thought that was a really cute mix up! For the next week or so we are supposed to have really nice October weather with highs in the 70's so hopefully we will be spending quite a bit of time outside while we still can!

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