Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Samantha had her 15 month check up today.

Today I went to get a Mani / Pedi. So I dropped Samantha off at the babysitters so I didn't have to drag her along...she would have been so bored! I picked out a really cool tealish green color! Which I thought would be perfect for fall. Cool huh?

After my appointment I went back to pick up Samantha and we met up with my mom, Aunt Vikki, Cindy and Ruth at Bob Evans! It is always fun having a girls lunch! Here Samantha was trying to give me a kiss!

After lunch I had to take her to her 15 month check up. Here she was playing n the waiting room before we got called back.

The Doctor said she looked great!
Here are her stats:
Weight, 25 lbs 1 oz, 80th percentile
Height, 31 inches, 75th percentile
Head Circ, 19 inches, 95th percentile
He said she is right on track and we do not need to adjust her eating or drinking. Which is a great thing because she loves milk and drinks a ton of it. She did have to get 2 shots which she was not happy about but she was only upset for a couple minutes. Plus side...we do not have to go back for 3 months! Woo Hoo

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