Saturday, September 4, 2010

29 and Holding!

Tonight we went to Genji for my birthday dinner. Of course Jeff and I were uber early so we played with Samantha outside while we waited. We have had beautiful weather the past few days and it has been nice spending time outside.

Samantha loved giving me nose kisses!

I love this picture and that baby! (Not in that order.)

Samantha took this picture of Jeff. She really likes pushing the button on the camera then looking at the digital display.

Samantha was really into watching the cook. She was very fascinated by all the excitement. She even tried everything we ate...rice, zucchini, onions, steak, scallops, shrimp, chicken and bean sprouts! I swear we have not come across a food yet that she does not like. I really hope she will never turn into a picky eater!

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