Friday, January 15, 2010

Momma's Pancake Breakfast!!!

Here is Samantha this morning before she got all the way dressed! I love to give her a few minutes of naked time because she loves to play/suck on her toes. Since it is winter time she rarely has her feet bare so she really enjoys this time in the morning to explore her toes!
Miss Samantha all dressed up and ready to go to lunch with Mom and Vikki. We had another showing on the house today and I really could not think of a better thing to do than go out and enjoy a Momma's Pancake Breakfast at Cracker Barrel?
After lunch I went to Mandy's to visit with Chase and Grady. Grady was asleep for most of the visit, but Samantha enjoyed checking out her cousin Chase! (See above) Once Grady got up from his nap he loved showing me all the letters in his favorite book "Hop on Pop." It is crazy how quick he is growing.

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