Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Holding true to my word.

Here I am reading to Samantha last promised! Now I just have to make a routine out of reading and my daughter will be the smartest ever! Look how into it she is!
Here is a picture of Samantha this morning. So let me tell you...I love my daughter I mean REALLY LOVE HER! This morning she slept in until after 6 and since Jeff was already up he offered to feed and change her. He put her back in bed and left for work. He said she was still awake but playing so I figured she would eventually start talking and I would get up with her. But she fell asleep and I did too. We both ended up sleeping until 9:30 AM. When I went in to get her she was kicking one of her toys and thought it was just the funniest thing in the world. So we got up and came downstairs. She played in her jump-a-roo for a little while, had a bottle and she was rubbing her eyes so I put her down for a nap at 10:30! I know that I love sleeping and I come by it honestly since my mom loves to sleep too but this child LOVES to sleep! I think that because she is getting all this beauty sleep she is going to grow up to be a beautiful little girl!

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