Thursday, July 9, 2009


***Samantha's diaper change after her blowout @ Marshall's.***

***Samantha in her new outfit out in the gazebo.***

Today Mandy, Grady, Mom, Samantha and I went to lunch at First Watch. Then we ran over to Marshall's to shop a little and while we were there Samantha had a MAJOR blowout. Mandy was holding Samantha as we were browsing the baby clothes and she went #2. But is was so major that she was dripping all over the floor and Mandy's clothes! Mandy and I hurried off to the bathroom, where there was no changing table, to clean up Samantha and my mom tried to find an outfit to buy and change her into. Mandy and I made a changing station on the sink counter. Mandy had to be really careful getting her onsie off to not get any poop in her hair! (She had poop all the way up to her shoulder blades.) We managed to get her all cleaned up and in her new outfit. When I went to check out I think the cashier thought I was crazy since Samantha was already wearing the outfit! Then we all went out to mom's to spend some time by the pool. Samantha sat in the bouncy seat out in the gazebo. We decided that Samantha blew out just to get a new outfit...such a girly thing to do!

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