Sunday, June 28, 2009

Sleepless nights...

So Samantha is normally a pretty good sleeper. We can usually count on her for 3 hour blocks of time in between diaper changes and feeding. But last night was not the norm. We all went to bed at 10:30 PM but by 11 PM Samantha wanted to hang out with her daddy. So from 11 PM until about 3 AM Samantha and Jeff rotated from her bassinet, rocking in the rocking chair, laying on his chest and watching Sports Center downstairs. I was able to sleep thru all this. Finally she went to sleep at 3:00 AM and Jeff was able to get some sleep. Then at 3:45 she was up and ready to be changed and eat again...ahhh the life! So I got up with her at 3:45 AM, changed her diaper. Mid diaper changed she peed all over me, her, the changing table and her sleep gown, so I changed her again. The I fed her, which is my favorite part since she is so content and happy when she is eating (I am not sure where she gets that from:) Then during her feeding she pooped! So after diaper change number 3 we got back to bed. Over all it was about an hour for the whole process. Then she slept from 4 AM until 7 AM, just awake long enought for a little snack and back to bed until about 9:30 AM. At which point we had to get up and get ready for church. We surprised Jeff's parents and went to their church at South Columbus Freewill Baptist Church; where Samantha got to meet her Great-Grandparents, Pa and Granny, for the first time!

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