Friday, June 19, 2009

Jeff as a father...

Since Jeff has done a lot of posting about me and Samantha I thought it would only be fair if I returned the favor. :) The second Samantha was born Jeff has not been able to take his eyes off her; I cannot say that I blame him since she is so beautiful. But more than that he has taken a VERY active role in her love and care. When she was in the NICU he always offered to change her diaper and I always let him. If you haven't heard, when you go to change her diaper the open air on her girly parts makes her have to go to the bathroom again! So in the middle of most diaper changes she ends up going either #1 or #2 or both! In the beginning we would go thru 5 diapers per diaper change....we have since gotten much better. But this never stopped Jeff from jumping in there and changing her diaper. And when we got home from the hospital he has taken care of EVERYTHING! It has been so nice for me to only have to worry about taking care of our beautiful daughter. I always knew that Jeff would be an amazing father, but until he actually became one I didn't realize how great he would actually be. He has totally exceeded my expectations and I don't think that I could have picked a better man for a husband or a better father for my daughter. I truly feel like God has made me a beautiful family, I couldn't be more blessed.

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